Phi Delta Chi (PDC) is a national professional Pharmacy fraternity, which has been on the St. John’s University campus since 1958. Phi Delta Chi works with many other organizations to advance the science of pharmacy and allied interests both on and off campus. The brothers of Phi Delta Chi have hosted and attended many events, both professional and social this past semester, such as a Drug Abuse Awareness Presentation, the Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s Walks, and University Service Day. The brothers also participated in Drug Take Back Day, where they worked with faculty members in several locations. They have also worked in collaboration with other pharmacy organizations such as Lambda Kappa Sigma, APhA-ASP, and Phi Lambda Sigma to host many events and promote pharmacy. Some of these events have included Winter Formal and Thanksgiving Dinner with LKS, World AIDS Day and Healthy Halloween with PLS, and Generation Rx, a drug abuse awareness patient care project, with APhA-ASP. Outside of the pharmacy world, they have gotten together with other sororities on campus, from mixing with Gamma Phi Beta to participating in Phi Sigma Sigma’s beauty pageant. Phi Delta Chi gets to see the best of both worlds as they advance socially and professionally. The relationships formed make pharmacy school much easier, and older brothers offer advice and help with studying.
If you have any questions or are interested in the Phi Delta Chi Professional Pharmacy Fraternity, please visit: