By: Mohammad A. Rattu, Pharm.D. [PGY-1 Resident at VA NYHHS]
We sometimes need to step back and look at our foundations for success. Without the support of past and present Rho Chi executive boards, there would be no Rho Chi Post newsletter. From our May to September issues, we will learn about each of our local chapter’s board members on a more personal level. Our insight will predominantly include their nicknames, hobbies, favorite quotes, reasons for accepting the Rho Chi invitation, and motivations for becoming part of the executive board.
Our fifth (and final) executive board member insight is with Albana Alili, current fifth year student pharmacist and Vice President of Rho Chi at St. John’s University’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Q: We all have nicknames, for one reason or another. What have people called you, either in the past or right now in college?
A: Although I have had a variety of nicknames through the years, ranging from banana to Coco, my nickname to my family and friends has always been Bana.
Q: All right, Bana, what are some of the things that you like doing outside of pharmacy?
A: I really enjoy reading and playing basketball in my spare time. Traveling has always been one of my favorite things to do; since my parents are from Europe, I have been able to travel overseas quite often.
Q: Traveling truly is exciting – some upperclassmen are in Europe now for one of their electives! So, what is your favorite quote?
A: “Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson, has been my favorite quote for many years now. I remember selecting it as my senior quote for my high school yearbook. It has come to mean much more to me through the years. Initially, the flowers just signified the beautiful things in life that are often overlooked. I now also see them as opportunities that may be missed, people that may not be appreciated, and significant moments that may pass by unnoticed, particularly if we do not pay attention or value each minute of our lives. I believe that it is a very powerful quote.
Q: Very profound – I agree that we need to be grateful for what we have! Now, when you received an invitation to join the Rho Chi Academic Honor Society, why did you accept it?
A: Achieving membership in Rho Chi was one of my main goals in college. It not only signified the highest honor, in terms of academic excellence, but also leadership in the profession of pharmacy and advancement of students as future leaders and professionals. When I received my invitation, I saw my hard work rewarded and I felt accomplished. Since I wanted to become a part of the organization for what it represented, I really did not have to think twice about my decision to accept the invitation.
Q: Leadership is definitely at the core of Rho Chi. Finally, what were your impetuses for applying to an executive board position?
A: In most organizations that I have been a part of, from Key Club back in high school to APhA and Rho Chi in college, I have been fortunate enough to serve on a number of E-Boards. For me, attaining leadership positions allows me to make differences and get the most out of my experiences. I feel that I have more opportunities to share ideas, and could contribute to the organization through student/community event planning and implementation. I wished to become active in Rho Chi; so, I applied for (and thankfully received) a position on the executive board.
We thank Albana for taking the time to provide us with this insight, and hope that you enjoyed learning more about your Rho Chi executive board members over the last couple of issues.
If you have any additional questions for Albana, please email her at [email protected]