By: Ebey P. Soman
New York Prescription Saver is a pharmacy discount program sponsored by New York State designed to help eligible New York State residents with no insurance to pay for their medications. To be eligible, you must be a resident of New York State; do not have Medicaid; either age 50 and below 65 years old or be disabled and getting SSDI or SSI payments; and have an annual household income of less than $35,000 for singles and $50,000 for married couples. Participating pharmacies agree to provide medications at a discounted rate as arranged by payment contracts signed with the program. This may help patients with no insurance pay for their medications and enabling them to stay adherent to their therapy regiments. So on behalf of all the patients, I would like to thank all the participating pharmacies for thinking of the patients first and bringing a humanistic approach to community pharmacy. Below are some organizations that participate in the program, you may visit the program website to view a complete list of pharmacies near you.