By: Yining Shao
Greetings fellow Rho Chi members and fellow pharmacy candidates! In thinking about my presidency, the following comes to mind: “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” This quote, first stated by John F. Kennedy, remains true today. To be a good leader is not to simply dictate, but rather to be malleable, adaptable, and humble enough to take dictation. Similarly, as fellow learners, we must be aware that learning is not about sitting in a classroom and hearing about a subject, but it is also taking what we have heard and putting it into play. As we move into the new year, I encourage everyone to keep this in mind.
I remember the day when I checked my email and viewed my acceptance into the Rho Chi Society. The application for a position on the executive board was also enclosed. Immediately, I thought, “why not? Get involved.”
Currently, as new ideas for our Rho Chi chapter are discussed in executive board meetings, I feel the excitement and energy, further encouraging my passion for pharmacy. As I become more involved with my peers and patients, I expand my understanding of our profession. Personally, going from “never being on an executive board” to becoming “the person everyone goes to for answers” is a huge transition. I feel that it is necessary to approach this transition with the heart of a learner.
I have learned more during these past two weeks than I have ever in my years here at St John’s University College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions. I would like to thank our past president, Mohammed Dungersi, for making this transition as smooth as possible. After handing me a truckload of papers, he explained to me, in detail, everything that I was required to do. I would also like to express my gratitude for the current members of the executive board for all of their dedication, help, and experience.
Recently, I had the privilege of attending the I-LEAD STJ workshop. Of the many things discussed at this workshop, the most memorable idea was the following: sit in the front seat of your life.
I have great expectations for this year. We are planning to continue traditional events, such as the Coffeehouse Chats, as well as provide new and exciting events that further the mission of Rho Chi and the pharmacy profession. I encourage everyone to sit in the front seat, rather than the one in the corner, in order to learn and lead, and also to have a great academic year.
Thank you.