Featured, Professional Advice / Opinions:

A Message from the Editor-in-Chief – Isabelle Lim

Congratulations to the sixth-year pharmacy students for graduating and to the rest of the student body for completing another year of pharmacy school! I am humbled and honored to announce my new position as the Editor-in-Chief of the Rho Chi Post for the upcoming year. It is with the continued dedication of the Editorial Team that I am able to serve in this position. It has been extremely gratifying to see everyone’s efforts pay off through the announcement of this issue, which consists of seven articles covering topics ranging from pharmacy news to advice for students. I look forward to watching the growth of our Editorial Team and hope that I am able to serve them as well as they have served me! I am also excited to publish more issues throughout the summer and school year as well as plan events in collaboration with the Executive Board in anticipation of the 2023 Fall Semester. For now, I wish everyone an amazing summer and I hope everyone gets to enjoy some time off!

Published by Rho Chi Post
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