The Importance of Student Involvement: A Student’s Perspective on Being Active in ACCP

By: Patrick K. Tabon, Washington State University, PharmD Candidate c/o 2012

As a graduating student pharmacist I am often asked by others, “What piece of advice do you have for other pharmacy students?” My reply will always be, “Go out there and be involved while you can. Once you find where your passions lie in our profession success and happiness will follow.” I have lived an amazing student career by simply getting my feet wet in all that our field has to offer. One organization that I am proud to be apart of is the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). As an active ACCP student, I am able to network with current pharmacy leaders, learn more about clinical pharmacy practice, and collaborate with other student pharmacists.

ACCP allows students to take an active role in a variety of different clinical practice areas from infectious disease to clinical administration. These Pharmacy Practice and Research Networks (PRNs) link students with some of the current leaders in clinical pharmacy and has enhanced my resource base for unique clinical scenarios. For example, being part of the Ambulatory Care PRN has exposed me to current issues in practice, which has open my minded to issues I will face as a pharmacist in the near future. It has also connected me with ambulatory care residency directors and preceptors, who have shared their insight into being a more competitive residency applicant. Every PRN will offer students a variety of opportunity and currently each student member has free membership to one PRN of their choice.

I am fortunate to serve as a National Member-at-Large on the ACCP Student Advisory Committee. Being involved with the Student Advisory Committee is a great way to collaborate with other student leaders, who share similar ideals about advancing the profession by helping student members become more involved across the country. We have an active voice as student members in ACCP and are always trying to find ways to get more students involved with the organization. Students have the opportunity to publish articles in our quarterly student newsletters, take part in the ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge, and apply for travel scholarships to attend the ACCP annual meeting. Students can also take advantage of ACCP’s Resume Review Service and “Emerge from the Crowd” program that helps students become standout residency candidates.

Eventually your career as a student will end and you will transition into your role as a pharmacist. Being involved now not only makes the transition easier but also gives you head start in advocating for our profession in the future. ACCP has something to offer almost every student. I have been involved with ACCP for the last two years and it has been an amazing experience both at my campus and on a national level.