The Editorial Team

[updated 8/4/2022]

Justin Budz (c/o 2023)

Engagement and Outreach Managers
Noor-ul-ain Buksh (c/o 2027)
Anjali Thykattil (c/o 2025)

Social Media Manager
Rukhsar Farheem (c/o 2024)

Staff Writers
Geraldine Ciaccio (c/o 2025)
Jennifer Galvet (c/o 2024)
Anjali Rana (c/o 2025)
Imaan Sekhery (c/o 2025)
Sairah Sheikh (c/o 2024)

Staff Editors
Sana Ahmed (c/o 2024)
Helen Li (c/o 2023)

Senior Content-Focused Copy Editor
Jason Ifeanyi, PharmD (c/o 2022)

Senior Graphics-Focused Copy Editor
Mandy Zheng (c/o 2024)

Graphics-Focused Copy Editor
Ruksabha Zaman (c/o 2024)

Active Ex-Officio Members
Mohammad A. Rattu, PharmD, BCOP, BCPS, BCGP (c/o 2012)